Mar 9 - This is a Test


(16/dust, 19/365)

Finally home, finally grabbing the camera again. I'm not so good at taking pictures when the place is crazy. I don't find beauty easily in the mess. I am trying to keep a few mostly-clear walls in this house (since we actually have the space for it now) to use for clean backgrounds.

I dropped the camera onto the couch (my tripod is broken, enough to send the camera end over end two weeks ago - broke the flash, but the camera and lens were okay, thank God) and set the self-timer, just to test. It was on an odd angle, which annoys me, but I don't have the time or energy to worry too much about it right now. The fact that I got a shot is in itself a feat, not to mention the shower, blow-dry, and clothing.

It's been a crazy couple of weeks.

(Image © Informal Moments Photography)


Anonymous said...

I really like this shot!

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