and we have a working site


After lots of prayer and medita -

Okay, okay - let's just say I've been putting in a bit of mental formulatin' on this new look for my photography site, and I took some time to put it together today!

Just a note, as I find time, I will be creating new pages for the Photography and Design links - I want to add a slideshow and link out to some wedding galleries, as well as create a more thorough collection of design examples. BUT all of the links on this site actually work (insert *high, squeaky yippee-hooray!!!!*).

Now it's back to my wedding processing so I can show you some more pictures!


Lift Up Your Hearts said...

How exciting!! What site did you use to create your photography site?

All material (photos and text, except as otherwise noted) © Informal Moments Photography 2003-2010.
Template design by Kelly Langner Sauer. Hosted at Blogger.