Sixty-Seven - Lamplit Spring


Daylight savings time does bad things to my body. I am so peeved with the government who didn't check with MY energy levels before instituting this energy-saving thing. But I have to admit that this morning, the time change was worth having. We had to get up early to shower so I could be ready to drop Pete off at work and get out to ship some prints today. He woke me from a dream in which I was trying to compose a shot for a photography contest, and told me I could go outside and get a lamplight shot I've been wanting for a week or so, now that the sun isn't beating me up. Well, okay, it still is, but anyway.

I stumbled outside, grabbed my very-little-used tripod and an extra lens, and played around with my settings and my camera timer to see what I could do.

I found a dew-laden spider's web, a gorgeous play of light and color, blossoms waiting for morning, color I've never captured, and lovely mist I've been craving!

These are SOOC or almost SOOC (straight out of the camera) - I lightened and sharpened only a little to bring out the focus.


Carmen said...

What a gorgeous shot. I love the color and the bokeh!

Marti G said...

So beautiful and serene and thoughtful.

Chris has also struggled this week with the time change. I try to remember to be extra kind to him because it really kicks his butt for quite a few days. I hope you are feeling more in sync soon.

ELK said...

these are magical ...

Heasleye said...

These are absolutely stunning! Very special shots you've captured. Good for you for rolling out early!

SE'LAH... said...

Wonderful capture. Love the tone.

Anonymous said...

What lovely color. I love the spider web on the left.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous colors here - you nailed this shot!

~love the bokeh~

Ana said...

Absolutely amazing! I loveeee the DOF on this and the sun rise light captured in the background.


The daylight savings time screwed us up too. But I guess I just have to get used to it. I do like having more daylight in the afternoon though. =)

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

That is magnificent.

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