Bonus Shot Friday


It's Bonus Shot Friday, instituted by me to share pictures I really loved from the week that haven't had a chance to shine. Because people don't really care what gets blogged on Friday. They're ready for Saturday and the in-between living we all do on the weekend. So here's my bonus shot, blazing straight out of the camera (SOOC) with fascinating fire.

What about you? Did you get a shot this week that didn't fit anywhere but in your heart? Here's a reason to share, share, share, so we can all get in on the bonus!


Unknown said...

Wow! That's a fabulous shot! I am impressed that it's so vibrant SOOC. Love the colors! Thanks for linking up and commenting on my blog. I hope to see you again!

All material (photos and text, except as otherwise noted) © Informal Moments Photography 2003-2010.
Template design by Kelly Langner Sauer. Hosted at Blogger.