Mar 14



I decided to play with my macro lens in the mirror today. Sometimes mirror shots take less time - sometimes they take more than setting the camera on the broken tripod and waiting for the shutter to go, again and again and again...

I'm hoping to get a new one for my birthday this week. And a remote for my camera. I think both will come in incredibly handy for this self-portrait project.

But didn't the macro bring this off beautifully? It's such a dreamy shot, soft in all the right places...


I've also decided that my self-portrait project will be my official 365 project this year, so I'm not counting 365 separately anymore.

Extra photos just get to be extra photos, no counting necessary. It's too much to track with two kids and a new house and other photography ideas I'm working on right now.

I am thinking that from here out, I will probably post my 365 photos in one or two posts per week, so I can use my photography blog for other things I'm shooting and processing too.

Or just leave it to sit for a day or two. You know. Because I have two kids and a new house and other photography ideas I'm working on right now.

This is me, checking out. Time to pick the house up so we get up clean on Monday...

(Image © Informal Moments Photography)


Elizabeth Dianne said...

Oh, wow, Kelly. Both shots are great but the first one is absolutely exquisite.

You are beautiful inside and out. Hope all is going well for you and you are getting your new home organized.


p.s. could you explain the 365 thingie a little more--I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean by that--

All material (photos and text, except as otherwise noted) © Informal Moments Photography 2003-2010.
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