Bonus Shot Friday


I got a bunch of good ones this week. This one fits my mood best today, so it gets the feature post, but there are another few I have to note here!

*my favorite SOOC shot
*a runner-up self-portrait
*my favorite comfort shot
*a very cool beach portrait
*some real time vintage
*some moon flare (check it out - i just found the moon's face in the flare!)
*and one cute, sassy, overexposed kid

In case you haven't guessed, it's Bonus Shot Friday at my photography blog, and it's open for participation! What about you? Did you get a shot this week that didn't fit anywhere but in your heart? Here's a reason and an opportunity for you to share, share, share! Leave the link in your comment!

My 365 shot will be coming late today. I'm really tired and totally out of shooting ideas this morning...
All material (photos and text, except as otherwise noted) © Informal Moments Photography 2003-2010.
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