Fourteen - Morning Magic


This morning's photo of the day has an interesting story. Pete called me from the driveway on his way out to work, reporting a sighting of dew-laden spider webs in the mist. I went out to capture those, and came back in with this image. A few minutes later, I looked out the back window and had to run out and grab this photo. Not five minutes after I came back in with that shot, the sun appeared, and I dashed back out front to capture this shot.

And then I turned around, and there was magic behind me, a million sparkles in our cedar tree, hidden in the shadows, sparkling in the sun.

For today's photo, I chose the shot I kept coming back to, the one that takes my breath away, that makes me feel alive. Enjoy the magic!


Heidi said...

I loooooooove it.

Anonymous said...


Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

I can see why - I can imagine fairies in there.

What lenses do you use? What camera?

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